Scouting in Wales is now in the Green readiness level.

From 28th Jan 2022, Scouting in Wales moved to GREEN readiness level.  The below is from the communications bulletin issued by the Scouts Cymru – Covid Response Committee (CRC) in response to the lifting of Coronavirus Regs.  

This means: All activities can resume for members who live in Wales. Residential activities and international travel may take place.

Following the announcement from Welsh Government we have the following changes for Scouting in Wales:

  • No limits on the number of people that can attend indoor or outdoor Scouting activities of any kind. This includes programme delivery, adult training, exec meeting etc.  
  • Social distancing is no longer required in any Scout setting, indoors or out.
  • Face coverings are no longer required in any setting. 
  • Although the legal requirement to self-isolate if testing positive for COVID-19 has ended, Scouts Cymru strongly suggest that anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 isolates and does not attend Scout meetings of any type. 

An activity Risk Assessment for every programme meeting needs to be recorded.  They contain the risk and control methods specific to an activity.  Activity Risk assessments do not need to contain general covid control methods.   A robust risk assessment that outlines the processes in place to keep everyone safe is key – it helps reassure parents and carers, other leaders in the Group and having clear measures in place also protect outcomes.

A record of attendees to meeting (register) must be recorded for every meeting. 

Residential Activities

  • An activity Risk Assessment needs to be recorded.  They contain the risk and control methods specific to an activity.  Activity Risk assessments do not need to contain general covid control methods.   A robust risk assessment that outlines the processes in place to keep everyone safe is key – it helps reassure parents and carers, other leaders in the Group and having clear measures in place also protect outcomes.
  • A record of attendees to meeting (register) must be recorded for every residential event. 

Covid Risk Assessments

Our current risk assessment for Green Covid Response level is set out below and is what will be followed at Mynydd Isa Scouts.

There is a Covid risk assessment for Mynydd Isa Scout Group. This applies to Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs and Scout sections and has been approved by the Group Executive Committee and Trustees. You can download a copy here:

A separate risk assessment has been completed by a partnered Echo Explorer Scout Unit, as a third-party user of the building and has been approved by the Group Executive Committee and Trustees. You can download a copy here:

A welcome back ‘Parent Pack’ has been produced to support parents and carers in understanding what each response stage means and how it affects Scouting. You can down load our Green response level parent pack here: