Looking for training modules?

Here are some excellent places to check to see if you can fast track your training, or just bag the last one needed for completion of your wood badge. Many of them are online…
Remember LOVE your training. Learning is Optional, but Validation is Essential.
Validation & Personal Learning Plan
You don’t need to do a course for every module. We know that many Scout volunteers have prior learning which they can apply to their Scouts role. We do however need to check that you have the required knowledge and skills via something called validation, either on what you already know or following a course.
Meet with your Training Advisor and complete your Personal Learning Plan together, recognising your previous experience. Your Training Adviser will be able to help you identify the learning you need, as well as help you choose the method of validation that’s right for you.
More information and all the links to Scouts UK Learning and development for each role can be found on the Learning and Development page.
Local Training delivery by area. Check out what’s available on their websites:
- Cheshire Scout District – https://www.cheshirescouts.org.uk/adult-support/training
- Clwyd Area Training – https://clwydscouts.org.uk/events/
- Wrexham Scout District – https://wrexhamscouts.org.uk/training/
- Flintshire Scout District – http://flintshirescouts.org.uk/training/
Validation of each module needs different evidence. The Validation guides can be found below:
Module 3 – Tools for the Role (Leaders)
Module 5 – The Fundamentals of Scouting
Module 6 – Changes in Scouting
Module 7 – Scouting for all
Module 8 – Skills of Leadership
Module 9 – Working with adults
Module 11 – Administration
Module 12B – Programme Planning
Module 13 – Growing the Section
Module 14 – Supporting Young People
Module 15 – Promoting positive behaviour
Module 16 – Introduction to Residential Experiences
Module 17 – Running safe activities
Module 18 – Practical skills
Module 19 – International